Please call the clinic on 02 6292 1092 before your appointment if you:

  • have been or are currently unwell (including mild symptoms). Despite COVID rules relaxing we still need to protect our vulnerable patients and would prefer to delay your visit if you are not well.

Stay well and thank you for your cooperation.

COVID 19 Measures

Everyone must continue to do their part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Clinicians are taking extra precautions and additional cleaning between patients. In-clinic we ask all visitors and patients to:

  • Socially distance;
  • Wear a face mask (where possible).
  • Make use of hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities throughout the clinic.

We want everyone to feel safe. Please advise reception and your clinician if you identfy as vulnerable, immunocompromised or have other concerns. We will do our best to accomodate your needs.

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