Chiropractic FAQs

Chiropractic treatment corrects spinal and musculo-skeletal problems through manual manipulation. A chiropractor does not prescribe medication, but relies on a variety of manual therapies—including spinal manipulation, mobilisation, and adjunctive therapies—to improve function and provide pain relief.
Chiropractors in Australia train for a minimum of 5 years of university. This may be either two bachelor degrees or a bachelor degree and a masters degree. Many chiropractors have education in addition to this and may knowledgeable in different special interest topics such as sports chiropractic. Chiropractors are also required to do continual professional development every year to keep their knowleddge and skills sharp.
• Joint pains, muscle spasms, cramps including hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis • General, acute and chronic backache, back pain (not arising from injury or accident), including Lumbago • Neck pain (as opposed to neck pain following injury e.g. whiplash) • Headaches coming from the neck • Frozen shoulder, shoulder or elbow pain, or tennis elbow arising from associated musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck, but not isolated occurrences • Migraine prevention, and • Tension or inability to relax (through lifestyle advice rather than chiropractic care). If you have any questions about whether you can benefit from chiropractic please give us a call. Otherwise, if you think our practice is for you, you can book now.
In your initial visit your chiropractor will discuss with you what is wrong, andwhether your condition will benefit from chiropractic. If chiropractic will help your chiropractor wil give you a care plan, which is their recommendations for your number of required treatment visits depending on what your problem is. You will be able to ask questions so that you fully understand what treatment is recommended. If an issue has only started recently there is a good chance you will recover quickly with little to no treatment. This however does depend on what the problem is. If this is a problem you have had for many weeks, months or years this issue may be more complicated. If this issue is more complicated or is a flare up of an existing condition we will often start a trial of care to see your response and tailor future visits based on your goals. We do not offer extensive treatment recommendations from the initial visit, it is not possible to estimate someone's response to treatment before treatment has occurred. You will often be recommended exercises and lifestyle changes that may help you to better manage your condition and recover more quickly. As a general rule following these recomendations should improve the response to treatment and reduce the frequency of visits required to settle or improve the issue as opposed to non-compliance.
Your first visit may last as long as one hour. Please arrive at least ten minutes before your appointment On arriving you will be required to fill in your medical forms and other details. Please ensure you disclose all prior medical procedures and surgeries you have had, whether you think it is relevant or not. These may affect the safety of treatment. When you meet with the chiropractor, they will talk through your medical history, perform a physical exam, and may conduct orthopaedic and functional testing to identify the problem and appropriate treatment. Once the chiropractor has finished their assessment, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and discuss the treatment recommendations made by the chiropractor. Recommendations are evidence-based, and often include specifics such as: treatment types given safety considerations recommended treatments schedules, and/or connecting you to other health professionals such as a GP, or a referral for X-ray or MRI. Treatment is able to be provided during the first appointment so long as it is appropriate to do so. Treatments may include spinal manipulation, advice or rehabiliation. Our recommendations vary and we do take into consideration your preferences of what you may want or want not to do. X-rays may be required for this session and these can be taken on site for a reasonable fee.
Our first priority is to establish that our treatment is the right option for you. If we notice early on that you will likely not be a good candidate for our treatment then we will refer you out immediately. We have had people walk into the waiting room or into our offices and we swiftly discovered we weren't the best people for them. We notified them promptly and referred them elsewhere, within the minute! At the end of the day, all treatment is only performed as agreed. If you are not responding as quickly as expected per the initial agreed schedule, and you agree to continue treatment, we may first modify our treatments and try a different approach, seek additional information or co-manage with your doctor or another specialist. We are very conscious that although many people with muscle and joint issues will respond well, there are many causes of pain and we always want to be thorough and ensure you are in the right place. There is no need or pressure to continue with ourselves if there is no improvement to treatment. We have great respect for your time and aim to only treat people whom we can help. if you are unsure whether Chiropractic may be for you, please get in touch and we'll be happy to let you know.
Future visits will follow on as recommended. Although most people have significant improvements with treatments when it is an appropriate choice, some respond quicker than others. Depending on your response to treatment, your schedule may be adjusted and re-examinations may be performed to continue to assess your response to particular treatments. Your schedule will also be changed depending on whether your goal is to significantly improve a recent condition or to improve, and then manage, a long term condition. Your chiropractor may consult or refer you to other trusted healthcare providers for other testing, a second opinion or even hospital if they condition changes or becomes urgent.
Although musculoskeletal pains are not uncommon during pregnancy, being pregnant or in the process of trying to get pregnant is definitely something that is important to mention to your chiropractor and your doctor. If you are pregnant and experiencing new pains we would recommend that you first ensure that you have all your regular checks with your doctor and mention these new aches to them. You are likely able to be treated during your pregnancy however this is at discretion of the chiropractor and some techniques may need to be modified. If you have any questions with regards to this feel free to contact our practrice.
It is generally recommended that you follow your chiropractor's recommendations for exercises and other types of treatment, as this can help you achieve the best possible results. Your chiropractor will create a personalised treatment plan that is designed to address your specific needs and goals, and this plan may include exercises and other types of therapy. It is important to remember that your chiropractor is a trained and licensed healthcare professional who has your best interests in mind. They will not recommend exercises or other treatments unless they believe they will be beneficial for you. By following their recommendations, you can help ensure that you receive the most effective care possible and achieve your desired outcome. That being said, it is always important to communicate openly with your chiropractor and let them know if you have any concerns or questions about your treatment plan. If you are uncomfortable with any of the recommended exercises or treatments, or if you have any concerns about their safety or effectiveness, be sure to discuss this with your chiropractor so they can address your concerns and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. At the end of the day we can provide advice and guideance however the path of your treatment is based entirely your choices. and we respect whatever your choices are.

If you have any questions of your own about Chiropractic or how it may benefit you, give us a call or get in touch! We’re always happy to answer your questions.

Other services we offer as Chiropractors at our practice

Digital X-Ray 

The clinic is fitted with digital X-ray equipment for spinal x-rays. X-rays can identify and/or rule out specific pathology and help guide appropriate treatment.

Custom Orthotics 

Our clinic provides digital gait screening for custom orthotics. This technique means we offer great fitting orthodics at a fraction of their traditional cost.

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